Camping Ideas and Fun Activities for Kids and Adults

Camping Ideas and Fun Activities for Kids and Adults

Sep 27, 2023

Are you planning your next vacation but have little or no good idea how to make it an unforgettable experience? We will take care of this!

Do you think the weather is okay? Then you are safe! We've got the perfect activity for you. Another great option is camping games for adults. Summer has always been the perfect time to step out your front door and explore the world, but now is the perfect time to get involved in effective activities away from home.

Camping is a very brilliant holiday for adults as well as children.  The children get to experience a bit of freedom and meet other children to play with and share quality time for outdoor activities.

The adults get a chance to (kind of) relax and take things in a more laid-back way.  We always think about ensuring the children have fun activities, but how about the grown-ups in camp?  

We mostly go camping in a very large group, and while it is great to just sit, chat, and drink sweet wine, sometimes it is good to let out the inner child.

There are great ideas and fun activities we will put together for you so you can have a really wonderful camping experience.

Here are some camping activities for adults we have pulled together, from adult games to upskilling children’s games to harking back to my girl's guiding days at camp.

Drinking Game and Other Adult Camping Activities

Drinking Game and Other Adult Camping Activities

Many people like drinking; it is a nice idea to bring in drinking activities to make your camping more fun. Now, let’s see

Drinking Games

We still have drinking game here, yes. No adult camping trip is complete without a drinking party. Play classic games like Flip Cup, Rage His Cage, and King's Cup. Please drink in moderation and let the driver wait.

This is one of the most popular and fun camping activities for adults to do around the campfire. The fireplace provides the perfect atmospheric backdrop for social gatherings with friends in the great outdoors. The first person, next person, and last person can take turns.

Playing Cards

A deck of playing cards opens up so many ways to play the game. Play poker, rummy, blackjack, spoons, and more with your friends until late at night. 

Board Game 

Board games are great games to play while camping. It is an easy way to kill time when the weather isn't good. There is always much fun in it on a rainy day.

Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is an exciting camping activity that allows the whole group to explore the campsite and surrounding nature. Let's see who can collect everything on the list first! 


One of the best camping activities for adults is stargazing. Without light pollution, you'll see breathtaking night skies that you cannot get in the city.


Grab a star map and a cozy blanket and get lost among the stars. It is a very romantic camping activity for couples. 

Crafting and Survival Camping in the Bush 

Test your adult survival skills in camping by trying your hand at bushcraft or survival camping. Start a fire without using matches, build a shelter, and provide drinking water using only what nature has to offer. This type of camping trip creates lasting memories together. 

Swim at a Local Waterhole 

Find a lake or river near your campsite and spend his day relaxing tubing and swimming. This is simple camping at its best. Pack a few drinks in the cooler and go with the flow. For more fun, conquer the rapids or try a rope swing. 

Practice Photography Skills

Spending time in nature is also a great opportunity to improve your photography. Try your hand at photographing unique flora and fauna or taking landscape photos at sunrise or sunset. Use different angles, perspectives, and editing techniques. Campmates can also make fun portrait models. 

Water Sports

If your campsite is near a lake, river, or ocean, consider bringing water sports equipment. Try adventurous camping activities like kayaking, canoeing, stand-up paddle boarding, surfing, waterskiing, wakeboarding, tubing, and more with something for everyone.

As always, consider safety when wearing a life jacket. Underwater exploration is a great way to create special memories. (Read how to dispose of butane cans) 


Fishing is a timeless camping activity that the whole group can enjoy. Pack your rod, tackle box, and bait and get ready for a day of catching some great catches. Consider bringing a grill to cook your catch to enjoy delicious camp fare under the stars. 


Fossil hunting is similar to geocaching, but instead of searching for containers, you search for gemstones, gold, opals, crystals, and fossils. This exciting treasure hunt offers activities to participate in while exploring the natural environment. It's also a chance to take home some interesting souvenirs. 

Ball Game

Bring a soccer, Frisbee, cornhole, bocce ball, volleyball, etc. to play some fun ball games and enjoy the outdoors together.

These active games can keep everyone involved and burn off some energy in between all the eating, drinking, and lounging around the campfire that most adult camping activities involve. Ball game is a simple game, everyone loves it.

Wildlife Observation

Watch out for birds, deer, foxes, and other wildlife on your camping trip. Bring binoculars and a field guide so you can identify the species that live at your campsite.

This activity is easy to incorporate while hiking or relaxing at the campsite. Make a list of all the animals you discover for even more fun.

Ideal Land Activities

After soaking up the sun on the river, dry off and check out our list of land-based activities.

Ideal Land Activities

Go Hiking

Of course, hiking is a great idea hiking varies somewhat depending on location. Are you camping in a crowded public campground with limited space or in the mountains? 

If you're camping in the great outdoors or somewhere with trails, a hiking trip is a great way to spend a day enjoying all that nature has to offer. Challenge yourself, relax, or have fun as you like. 

Observe Birds

Pack a small book about birds in the area you plan to camp. Next, go for a walk in nature, grab your binoculars, and try to identify every bird you see. 

If you're feeling particularly lazy, you can also go bird watching from the comfort of your campsite. 

If you also have cell phone service, consider checking out our bird song collection to see what types of birds are chirping near you. 

Look and Identify Trees

Just like birdwatching, take a nature walk with a book about native trees. Trees are classified by their leaves, which are often a characteristic of a particular tree. It's actually pretty awesome when you can point out all the different types of trees.

Look and Identify Trees

Plus, we've got some cool tree trivia and facts to impress people when you get back from your trip. 

Slack Line

Slacklining has become popular recently. All you need is to tie a special rope between two trees. Then try to keep your balance and walk on it to avoid falling. 

A quick note: Make sure you know how to tie the leash properly and handle the tension system so it doesn't fall off. Let me tell you that having the leash ripped from under your feet is not a fun experience.


Another very popular activity is geocaching. In fact, it has gained a cult following in recent years. Geocaching is basically searching for hidden treasure or "caches". First, do a quick search for "Geocaching near ___" and enter where you want to camp. Happy hunting! 

Plan a Cook-off!

Let's put everyone's creativity to the test with a cook-off! Challenge your friends to see who can make the tastiest dish using the available ingredients. 

This is even better if you don't have a great selection of materials. 

At this point, your cooking competition may resemble the TV show "Chopped." There, a contestant is instructed to prepare a gourmet dish using at least one strange (and sometimes gross) ingredient. 

Plan an Outdoor Wine Tasting

Having wine on hand takes a little planning. But if done right, it can be super chic and super cute. 

You can also bring in candles and hand lights to add impact and ambiance. 

Oh, and by the way, we’ve already identified the 10 best camping fairy lights for wine tasting. 

Host a Movie Night

Even after the sun goes down, you can enjoy more than just a campfire. A perfect example is hosting a movie night. Movie might is one of the fun things to do while camping.

You'll need to bring a projector, a blank sheet of paper, and something to play the movie on (like a laptop). 

Unfortunately, movie viewing is only suitable for car camping or glamping, as you will need to bring quite heavy equipment with you.

READ ALSO: Best Waterproof Tent for Family Camping in Heavy Rain

Conversation Games for Adults

Conversation Games for Adults

Camping is all about having fun together. If you want to step away from your phone and other technology, try these classic conversation starters and camping games for adults.

"Which one would you like?" or "Two truths and one lie." 

In order to play this game, you have to take turns asking "Which one would you like?" questions that reveal funny or interesting truths about your fellow campers.

Or share his three statements about himself (two truths and one lie), act out the two truths and his one lie, and ask the group to guess which is which. This fun time requires little effort and is a great way to make new camping friends. 

Truth or Dare

A classic and fun game that never gets old. Take turns asking each other provocative truths or challenging each other to overcome silly challenges. This is a really fun social game and one of the best camping games to casually enjoy around the campfire. 

20 Questions

People choose things. The rest of the group takes turns in guessing what it is by asking yes or no questions (up to 20 questions). This is a great camping activity and this game is a fun way to test your deduction skills. 

Campfire Games for Adults

A campfire naturally brings people together even after dark, making it the perfect setting for fun camping games for adults. Here are some of our favorites for playing by the fire. 

Campfire Games for Adults

Nothing speaks of a camping trip like a roaring campfire. Here are some of our favorite activities you can do while relaxing and watching the flickering flames. 

Tented camping provides an opportunity to explore nature as it is. To get the most out of it, you need to prepare for the activity. Ideas range from easy hikes and bike rides around the campsite to exploring nearby lakes and rivers by kayak or canoe. 

Consider bringing activities to enjoy under the stars, such as a stargazing telescope, books about constellations, and games like cards and puzzles. Photography is another activity that often brings exhilarating moments surrounded by natural beauty. 

Whether you're exploring nearby hiking trails, fishing around the campfire, or simply taking some time to read a book, tent camping is a great way to explore and appreciate the wonders of nature while also providing an eternity with family and friends. It is important to remember that it provides a unique opportunity to create memories. create. 

This is just a little taste of what is to come. Read this article to find out all 50 ideas for tent camping with friends. 

Sing Nice Songs!

We love a good old campfire where everyone sings together. There's something very classic and silly about it. Even though we are now adults, we feel like kids again (*existential sob*). Let's sing together. For more fun, ask a friend to bring a guitar or ukulele. 

But if you're in short supply of musical talent, don't worry. You can also use your phone to play music. We're not judging, it is for people of all ages.

Read a Poem aloud

If spooky stuff isn't your thing, read some poetry by the fire to awaken your inner Dead Poet Society.

If you don't know what Dead Poets Society is, watch this movie right away. You'll thank me later. 

But if you really don't have time, check out this clip where the main characters read a poem in front of a smoking fire in a spooky cave. Now, you want to do this too.

Make s'mores

Ah, s’mores…another camping staple. All you need is marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. Oh, and there are also roasting sticks that come in handy. 

If you and your friends are feeling competitive, you can turn making more into a competition. 

Earn points based on the level of browning or darkening of your marshmallow, the hardness of your chocolate, the perfection of your bite...the possibilities are endless. 

Narrate Ghost Stories

Telling ghost stories is an ancient tradition dating back to the beginnings of humanity. On your next camping trip, try making your ghost stories as spooky as possible. 

If you do not have a story handy, you should know plenty of great YouTubers to check out. 

My friends and I always enjoyed listening to MrCreepyPasta. MrBallen is also a great source for spooky happenings. Let the whole family sacrifice a great time and listen to campfire stories.

Please Name the Song

Hum or sing part of a short song and see who can name the melody the fastest. You'll be surprised at how many songs your friends can identify using just a few notes. A great game for music lovers to sing along to! 

Murder by Wink

Before starting this hilarious game, he secretly chooses one player to be his "assassin." They must "kill" the player by winking at them. Anyone winked at is bound to die or fall in a dramatic manner. The remaining players try to guess who the killer is before everyone "dies". 

Two truths and one lie

Each person tells a funny story about himself consisting of his two true facts and his one lie. The rest of the group votes on what they think is a lie. It is fun to come up with surprising things about each other!

More Active Camping Activities for Adults

Active Camping Activities

In between all the sitting, eating, drinking, and lounging, get in some active fun games with these movement-based camping games for adults:


Yes, Monopoly. A classic super-long marathon game. Escape next time you're stuck at home due to bad weather. Anyone who has played Monopoly knows that it provides long-lasting fun for everyone. 

Good luck bankrupting your friend! 


Perhaps you heard about these games and thought it was something different. In fact, it's the same game, but with slight differences. 

Mafia and werewolves use decks of playing cards to determine their roles. Court cards such as King and Queen indicate superior roles such as mafia members or Werewolf. 

The motive behind this storytelling game is to figure out which player is the big bad before eliminating the rest. By the way, playing around the campfire is also a lot of fun! 


If you want to test your aiming and throwing skills, bring a cornhole set on your future camping trip. In this basic backyard game, players take turns throwing small bags of corn kernels onto a board with holes in the ends. Challenge your friends to know who can earn the highest points! 


Get ready to test your imitation skills with Charades! 

The goal is simple. It's about guessing which animals, creatures, actions and other crazy verbs your friends are imitating. But mimes are of course, not allowed to speak. Or give us a hint! 

By the way, charades is also a particularly fun game when everyone is a little tipsy. 

The Story of an Exquisite Corpse 

Perhaps he has played Exquisite Corpse in some form before, but perhaps under a different name. 

First, the player (the first person) writes a paragraph of the story on a piece of paper. Then fold it so that only the last line is visible. 

The following person picks up the story from that last line and keeps writing. 

The result is an incredibly disjointed narrative. When it's everyone's turn, designate someone to read the entire train wreck continuously. 

Who am I?

Paste a famous name or character on each player's back so they won't be noticed. Alternate between yes and no questions until you can guess your identity.

Stand Up and Shout

Go in a circle sharing unique facts about yourself. Anyone who has the same fact has to jump up and shout. Great way to find similarities with your camping crew!

Frisbee that Glows in the Dark 

Keep the fun going with glow-in-the-dark discs. Marking the Frisbee target zone with a glow stick makes it easier to see and more fun. 

Flashlight Tag 

Make the classic game much more challenging by playing Flashlight Catch at night. The tension gets even more intense in the dark, so watch your step.

Two Truths & One Lie 

Two Truths and a Lie is a very classic ice-breaking game that you've probably played on the first day of class or other places where you meet a lot of people. 

The idea is simple. Everyone takes turns telling him three things about themselves. Apparently these consist of two truths and one lie, and everyone is trying to guess which one. 

The answer may surprise you. And who knows, maybe you'll learn some cool new things about your friend! 

Giant Jenga 

If you like regular Jenga, get ready for Giant His Jenga, where the stakes are literally higher. 

Jenga is a small tabletop game, but giant Jenga can make anything over 5 feet tall.

Needless to say, you'll be biting your lip harder as you carefully remove blocks, hoping the tower doesn't collapse. why? Because Giant Jenga really hurts when the blocks land on your feet.

READ ALSO: Best Heavy Duty Camping Cot Reviewed for Adults

FAQs about Fun Camping Activities for Adults

Ques.: What are the best camping activities for adults?

Ans.: A. Some of the most popular camping activities for adults include drinking games, handing out psylliums during evening activities, card games and board games, stargazing on sunny days, hiking to scenic areas, fishing, and playing music and songs, wildlife and landscape photography. Participate in adventurous water sports like kayaking on lakes and rivers.

Ques.: What should I bring to adult camping?

Ans.: Be sure to have drinking games, toys like Frisbee/cornhole/bocce ball, playing cards, Bluetooth speakers, camp chairs, hammocks, hiking shoes, grill and cooking equipment, adult beverages, cups/koozies, waterproof matches, and glow. Pack outdoor sports equipment, such as sticks. Also, wear layers of cold-weather clothing and rain gear. 

Ques.: What food should I bring when camping with adults? 

Ans.: Great foods and drinks to pack include hot dogs, burgers, skewers, sandwiches, potato chips, pasta salads, whiskey, beer, boxed wine, soda, water, coffee, chocolate, s'mores ingredients, vegetable/fruit snacks, etc. there is. Please bring cooking supplies such as grills, pots, pans, plates, and utensils. 

Ques.: Can I camp indoors? 

Ans.: Yes. You can go on a camping trip without going anywhere. Just pitch a tent in your living room and pretend you're sleeping outside. 

Indoor camping is perfect for people who can't go outside due to weather or work commitments, but even if you have the opportunity to go outdoors, it's still fun to try indoor camping once in a while. How do I make a handmade tent? First, get an old sheet and attach it to the ceiling with clothespins or safety pins. You can also use a piece of string or thread as a rope for this purpose. 

Make sure the sheet hangs low enough to cover most of your body when you lie down.

Ques.: Is there indoor camping? 

Ans.: It's not. But it's possible. Indoor camping is the best way for your family to enjoy the outdoors without worrying about the weather or insects. 

Ques.: Can I Pitch a Tent Indoors? 

Ans.: This is what it will look like when you set up your tent inside. 

1. Build a fort. 

2. Create a wall of pillows around your bed or sofa for privacy and comfort. 

3. Create a tent by laying sheets or blankets on your bed or sofa. 

4. Play with a friend (or alone) in the dark using a flashlight. 

5. When the power goes out in a storm (or just when the power goes out), play a game like hide-and-seek indoors with a flashlight. 

Ques.: Can I camp with a blanket? 

Ans.: Yes, but it's not as fun as a tent. Blankets are great for emergency evacuations or when you're indoors anyway (like watching a movie). However, if you want to feel like you're camping outdoors, bring a tent. 

Ques.: How can you keep insects out of your cowboy camp? 

Ans.: There are several ways to keep insects away from your campsite. 

First, make sure there are no stagnant bodies of water nearby where mosquitoes may breed (e.g., in drains). 

Next, try using an insect repellent such as a citronella candle or spray that contains DEET (which can be harmful if used incorrectly). 

Thirdly, stay inside your tent or RV when sleeping, or even better, go there all night.


As you can see, there's a lot to do while camping, even (and perhaps especially!) as an adult. So don't sit around bored! 

Camping is more than just fun, it is a science that anyone who enjoys sleeping under the stars will understand. 

Camping is often thought of as a wild experience of pitching a tent and eating marshmallows, but there are some fun ideas that will surprise even the most experienced campers.

Give one or two (or many)! Try one of these activities on your next trip. 

Have fun camping!

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